Gary Watters
MI Realtor
License # 6501456491
(906) 284-7006
(906) 265-7325
(906) 265-7304
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427 North Cedar Street/US 2
Iron River , MI 49935

Gary Watters Biography

Gary grew up in the farming community of Freeland, near Saginaw, MI.  After earning his bachelors degree from Saginaw Valley State University in Criminal Justice and Psychology, he accepted a job with the State of Michigan in Iron County.  It had been a lifelong dream of his to live in the Upper Peninsula because of his love for hunting and fishing. 

Gary has now called the U.P. home for over 29 years and has worked as a Parole/Probation Agent for the Michigan Department of Corrections in Iron and Dickinson counties during that time.  

In his spare time, Gary enjoys hunting and fishing, attending music festivals and Detroit Tigers baseball games, golfing, and riding his bicycle through the beautiful back roads of Iron County.  Gary lives with his wife, Stacey in Mastodon township, Iron County.

Gary has a passion for helping people and looks forward to working hard for you when your are buying or selling real estate.  He is a member of the National Association of Realtors, Michigan Association of Realtors and the Upper Peninsula Association of Realtors.  You can reach Gary at (906)284-7006 or by email at  . 

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